Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!!

I hope you enjoyed your holiday as I did mine!!

I checked my email this morning & came across a discount offer from Hobby Lobby. I was shocked to see a message related to Easter Sunday.  The shock was regarding the fact that the retailer posted something related to Jesus Christ and his Resurrection, which is unheard of these days unless of course it's a place of worship.  I also noticed that Hobby Lobby is closed every Sunday and I've always wondered why? The message led me to assume that its a Christian based company & that my friends is something that you rarely hear of (if it's true).

I'm on this creative journey and as you know I've dedicated my summer to honing my craft(s). For Easter I created some holiday inspired item. Sweet Bites- decorated cake-cicles for any occasion. I'm working on my website currently but here is a little peak at what I did. Hope you enjoy!

Easter Sweet Bites by Dulce' Treats
Easter Sweet Bites by Dulce' Treats

Easter Sweet Bites by Dulce' Treats

Photos by R.T.   Set up by D.T.

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